Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Try one new thing each week

This is my new blog. I love it and it loves me. It took forever to think about what I want this blog to be about. I went through so many different angles and ideas till I came to the one that I want to focus on, trying one new thing each week. How I got to this point took a couple days of thinking and a lifetime of living.
I am the black sheep of my family. I like talking to people and pushing myself to the limit. The ambition that I feel everyday needs an outlet. Lately I have not been as satisfied with where my life is at in terms of work, school, relationships, etc.
I was at school only when my work didn't interfere. I was depressed all the time because I felt like the amount of passion and work I put into my job didn't quite cut it. I only saw my friends and family when I wasn't wanting to spend my free time laying in my bed watching T.V. So to fix this, I moved home, cut my hours at work to only 12 and picked up another part time job. I started taking 5 classes at school and joined the school newspaper.
Just those few things changed my outlook on life dramatically. I still have days where I just lay in bed all day but my happiness scale from last semester to this is completely different. I started making more friends in my classes on staff and took the initiative to start an animal rights club at school.
I wish I could blame last semester on work, but I think it was a combo of everything.
Now I meet new people everyday and go out of my way to get others involved because I want others to know how different things can be.
Anyway, back to the theme of this blog. I will still post random things about my life, but as for trying something new each week, it will happen and I will talk about it.
Hopefully I don't run out of things to do....


1 comment:

Maren Hansen said...

Good on ya, mate! So cool you're doing the school newspaper. Send links when you get more published.

By the way, you are not the black sheep of the family: Dad is.